Dear Friends and Supporters,

National Review Institute has much for which to be grateful. We have continued to strengthen and grow NRI to support the National Review mission. Amidst all the change, one thing is constant: We remain steadfast in our commitment to our core mission—advancing the principles Bill Buckley championed throughout his life. Among them are free speech, free enterprise, personal responsibility, religious liberty, the defense of Western civilization, and a determined opposition to the aggrandized state. With our strong organizational structure—NR a subsidiary of the Institute—we are well-positioned to have an even greater impact in the years and decades to come. We are grateful for your support, and with friends like you by our side, are confident we can continue to have an impact.

NRI fellows—NR’s top talent, who you can read about in our Mid-Year newsletter—are principled conservatives, articulate, happy warriors for the values you and I both hold so dear. They fight against the worst of the Left in order to preserve these principles for our children, and our children’s children, so that they too may be able to flourish in a free society. With you, we are proud to support them and the vital work that they do. Please consider investing in our mission and work with a tax-deductible gift to National Review Institute.

Thank you for your friendship and continued support.


Lindsay Craig

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National Review Institute’s form 990 is available here.

Please note that donations to National Review Institute are made in “good faith” with no contingencies; therefore, all donations are non-refundable. For further information on charitable gifts, please note the IRS ruling: “a donation to a charitable organization is considered an irrevocable gift.” Please see IRS pub 1771, IRS pub 526, and 26 US Code § 170. If you need an acknowledgement for your gift, please email Thank you for choosing to further the conservative voice and the mission of our founder, William F. Buckley Jr.