NRI’s Video Programming

National Review Institute’s YouTube page offers robust programming covering a variety of topics, from the Buckley Legacy to the founding of National Review and NRI to lively debates.


On May 9, 2022, conservatives gathered to recommit to peace through strength at The National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Speakers included Senator Tom Cotton, Congressman Mike Gallagher, Elliott Abrams, Victoria Coates, John Hillen, Henry J. Hendrix, Rich Lowry, Jay Nordlinger, Peter J. Travers. WATCH HERE

Reflections on the Revolution in America: An Outsiders Perspective on the United States

On November 10, 2021, Show-Me Institute, National Review Institute, and NewsTalkSTL partnered to host an evening with Douglas Murray who spoke on the recent shifts in American culture, the culture wars, and the attack on free speech and education.

Ken Starr v Alan Dershowitz Debate at Old Parkland in Dallas, TX

National Review Institute is proud to have hosted this special debate forum in January 2020 on the enduring role of the Supreme Court in safeguarding the Preamble’s eloquent promise of “securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

The Buckley Legacy

This video was first shown at National Review Institute’s inaugural William F. Buckley Jr. Prize Dinner on October 29, 2014. The dinner celebrated Buckley’s enduring legacy and the 2014 Buckley Prize honorees, Charles Krauthammer and the DeVos family. WATCH HERE

No Safe Spaces with Adam Carolla and David French

A Conversation with Ivanka Trump and Ramesh Ponnuru on Paid Family Leave and Childcare

In November 2019, NRI hosted a conversation with Ivanka Trump and Ramesh Ponnuru on how a divided Washington can best support working families. With an introduction by Kathryn Jean Lopez on the importance of exploring conservative policies that encourage strong family structures, the event focused on paid family leave and expanding childcare options as important issues for the conservative and pro-life communities. Our speakers explored ways to help families overcome the financial hardships that come with extended time off from work for the birth or adoption of a child and how to best support working families with childcare needs. WATCH HERE