November 26th | The King’s College | New York, NY
“William F. Buckley Jr. Legacy Panel” with Rich Lowry, James Panero, Lauren Noble, and Lawrence Perleman
Co-hosted with The King’s College

November 15th | Hope College | Holland, MI
“Russell Kirk Centennial Celebration ” with Kathryn Jean Lopez, Rev. Robert Sirico, Dr. Jeffrey Polet, and John O’Sullivan
Co-hosted with The Russell Kirk Center

November 14th | UC Berkeley | Berkeley, CA
“A Conversation Across the Divide” with David French and Erwin Chemerinsky
Co-hosted with Bridge USA

November 5th | University of Dallas | Dallas, CA
“Our Polarized Politics: Liberalism & Conservatism Today” with Ramesh Ponnuru
Co-hosted with The American Public Philosophy Institute

October 30th | George Washington University | Washington, DC
“Melting Pot or Civil War?” with Reihan Salam
Co-hosted with Young Americans for Liberty

October 25th | Claremont McKenna College | Claremont, CA
“Buckley Legacy Event ” with Dr. Charles Kesler
Co-hosted with Claremont Independent

October 24th | Catholic University of America | Washington, D.C.
“William F. Buckley Jr.’s Life Legacy ” with Lee Edwards Matt Continetti
Co-hosted with College Republicans

October 17th | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI
“Melting Pot or Civil War?” with Reihan Salam
Co-hosted with AEI Executive Council and Young Americans for Freedom

September 26th | Ave Maria University | Ave Maria, FL
“The Legacy of WFBJ and Debating Civilly In the Trump Culture” with Kathryn Jean Lopez
Co-hosted with The Honors Program and Gyrene Gazette

September 19th | George Washington University | Washington, D.C.
“William F. Buckley Jr. Legacy Event” with Ramesh Ponnuru
Co-hosted with College Republicans

August 1st | JW Marriott | Washington, D.C.
“Remembering William F. Buckley Jr.” with Lee Edwards and Matt Continetti
Co-hosted with Young Americans for Freedom

July 26th | Rayburn House Office Building | Washington, D.C.
“Liberty with Integrity” with David French and Alexandra DeSanctis
Co-hosted with Charles Koch Institute

July 20th | Heritage Foundation | Washington, D.C.
“How to Be A Better Advocate for Freedom On Your Campus” a Panel Discussion
Co-hosted with The Heritage Foundation

April 26th | New York University | New York City
“William F. Buckley and the Conservative Movement” with Jay Nordlinger
Co-hosted with College Republicans

April 19th | Florida Atlantic University | Boca Raton, FL
“Americans Are Killing Their Liberty First–Religious Freedom in Crisis” with David French
Co-hosted with FAU Department of Political Science

April 12th | University of Chicago | Chicago, IL
“War of Words: Free Speech Versus Tyranny on Campus” with David French
Co-hosted with College Republicans

Mach 27th | The King’s College | New York, NY
“Getting Around: Adventures in Journalism” with Jay Nordlinger
Co-hosted with Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Mach 20th | Grove City College | Grove City, PA
“Americans Are Killing Their Liberty First–Religious Freedom in Crisis” with David French
Co-hosted with the Center for Vision and Values

Mach 20th | Grove City College | Grove City, PA
Law as Vocation: a Special Discussion with David French
Co-hosted with the Center for Vision and Values

Mach 20th | Grove City College | Grove City, PA
Constitutional Law: a Special Discussion with David French
Co-hosted with the Center for Vision and Values

Mach 19th | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, PA
“Fact and Fiction in Fighting ISIS” with David French
Co-hosted with Pitt College Republicans

January 23rd | Renaissance Downtown Hotel | Washington, D.C.
“Kathryn Jean Lopez on the Future of the Pro-Life Movement”
Co-hosted with Cardinals for Life

January 16th | Catholic University of America | Washington, D.C.
“Kathryn Jean Lopez on the Future of the Pro-Life Movement”
Co-hosted with Cardinals for Life