National Review Institute


Upcoming Events

The West at a Crossroads: Reimagining American Leadership on the Global Stage with the Sun Valley Policy Forum featuring Douglas Murray
February 10


Webinar on Religious Liberty featuring Kathryn Jean Lopez and Richard Brookhiser
February 11


American Conservatism and the Two-Party System with the Blue Ridge Center at the University of Virginia featuring Dan McLaughlin
February 24


National Review Institute’s Ideas Summit
March 20-21

William F. Buckley Jr. and Christian Witness in the Media at La Salle University featuring Kathryn Lopez
March 25


The Pen Is Mightier: The Literary-Political Impact of William F. Buckley Jr. with the Declaration of Independence Center for the Study of American Freedom at the University of Mississippi featuring Steven Hayward, PhD
March 27


WFB100 Partnership Event with the Goldwater Institute featuring Matthew Continetti
April 9
More speakers and registration forthcoming…

WFB100 Partnership Event with the Heritage Foundation and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation featuring Elizabeth Spalding
May 14
More speakers and registration forthcoming…

WFB100 Partnership Event with Tikvah featuring Matthew Continetti, Ruth Wisse, and Haley Strack
June 11
More speakers and registration forthcoming…

WFB100 Event with the Pacific Research Institute featuring Rich Lowry and Charles Kesler
October 4
More speakers and registration forthcoming…

WFB100 Event with the Russell Kirk Center, the Acton Institute, and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation
October 23
Speakers and registration forthcoming…

William F. Buckley Jr. Prize Dinner
November 5
Speakers and registration forthcoming…


Past Events

Fireside Chat with the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty featuring Rich Lowry
December 5

The Homefront, Ukraine, Taiwan and Everything Else After the Election with the LeMieux Center for Public Policy at Palm Beach Atlantic University featuring Jim Geraghty
November 21

It’s All One War with the Blue Ridge Center at the University of Virginia featuring Noah Rothman
November 20

Politics on Campus: Yes and No with the Hinckley Institute at the University of Utah featuring Jay Nordlinger
November 11

Politics on Campus: Yes and No with the Walker Institute at Weber State University featuring Jay Nordlinger
November 12

Breakfast with the California Policy Center featuring Charles C. W. Cooke
October 29

The Stakes in 2024 and Beyond with the Declaration of Independence Center for the Study of American Freedom featuring Rich Lowry
October 16

Professional Development: Being a Woman in Conservative Media with the Network of enlightened Women and Young Women for America student chapters at Grand Canyon University featuring Caroline Downey
October 14

A Return to Federalism with the Show-Me Institute featuring Charles C. W. Cooke POSTPONED
October 9

Supreme Court Preview with the Pacific Legal Foundation featuring Dan McLaughlin WATCH HERE
October 4

Georgia Freedom Series with the Georgia Public Policy Foundation featuring Noah Rothman
October 2

2024 William F. Buckley Jr. Essay Contest Webinar WATCH HERE
September 24

World in Crisis: National Security Priorities for the Next Administration with the Institute of World Politics feat. Michael Brendan Dougherty and Noah Rothman
September 12

The Left’s War on Beauty with the New York Young Republican Club Arts Caucus featuring Brian T. Allen
July 25

How the 2024 Election Could Shape the Economy with the Lincoln Club Business League featuring Andrew Stuttaford
July 24

WFB Communicators Program
July 12-13

Touch Grass: Why You’re Scared of Real Life with Young Voices featuring Noah Rothman and Madeleine Kearns
June 5

Bacon and Eggonomics with Economics Arkansas featuring Andrew Stuttaford
May 23

The Need for Federalism in 2024 with the Mountain States Policy Center featuring Charles C. W. Cooke, Boise, ID
May 15

The Need for Federalism in 2024 with the Mountain States Policy Center featuring Charles C. W. Cooke, Spokane, WA
May 14

The State of the Conflict in Ukraine with the Show-Me Institute featuring Jim Geraghty WATCH HERE
April 23

ESG Now and in the Future: Is There Common Ground? With the University of Arizona Center for the Philosophy of Freedom featuring Kevin Hassett WATCH HERE
April 3

Where Were the Women? A Discussion on Hamas’s Use of Sexual Violence on October 7 WATCH HERE
March 26

What are the Real Threats to Democracy? With the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty featuring Andrew C. McCarthy and Rick Esenberg WATCH HERE
March 20

Electric Cars: Central Planning’s Latest Vehicle with Pacific Research Institute featuring Andrew Stuttaford LISTEN HERE
March 14

2024 Arizona Dinner with the Acton Institute featuring David Bahnsen and Jay Nordlinger
February 26

Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life in Palm Beach, FL featuring David Bahnsen
February 15

Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life Book Launch in NYC featuring David Bahnsen
February 7

California v. Florida with the California Policy Center featuring Charles C. W. Cooke and Will Swaim
February 7

Georgia Freedom Series with the Georgia Public Policy Foundation featuring Jim Geraghty
January 18

If you are interested in attending a donor event and would like to support NRI, please contact your local development officer.

Stephanie Cates, Southwest:, 480.286.2886
Margaret Farris, Florida:, 850.321.5346
Sherri Rowton, Southeast:, 334.332.0753
Jason Wise, Northwest:, 203.273.3628

About NRI Events

WFB Jr. Prize

For his entire life, Bill Buckley sought to preserve and buttress the foundations of our free society. To honor his achievement and inspire others, NRI’s Board of Trustees created the William F. Buckley Jr. Prizes for Leadership in Political Thought and Leadership in Supporting Liberty. Notable public intellectuals, philanthropists, and leaders in the conservative movement attend to show support for our honorees, Bill Buckley’s enduring legacy, and the National Review mission.

Ideas Summit

NRI’s Ideas Summit is a biennial conference that brings together leading public intellectuals, conservative leaders and policymakers, and philanthropists to discuss topics related to conservatism and the American experiment. Around 500 donors, movement leaders, students, and young professionals attend this two-day conference.

Regional Seminars

NRI began these half-day Regional Seminars in 2018 to bring NR’s top talent out around the country to directly engage our friends, allies, and supporters. The Regional Seminars complement the Institute’s biennial Ideas Summit, which is normally held in Washington, D.C. and bring together conservatives from all corners of America.


Beginning in 2022, NRI is continuing National Review’s 20-year tradition of memorable cruises.

Regional Partnership Events

Part of NRI’s mission is to “draw from and support other conservative institutions.” In that spirit, in December 2013, NRI began this initiative to co-sponsor events with state-based think tanks, civic groups, and other educational organizations across the United States. National Review Institute partners with organizations to co-host regional events across the country that feature NR’s top talent. By co-sponsoring these events, NRI and local groups are able to meet each other’s friends and supporters and introduce them to NR writers. NRI’s Regional Partnership Events program aims to both strengthen partner groups and build a larger National Review community around the country. It is a strategic—and mutually beneficial—relationship that invigorates the conservative movement at the grassroots level.


In 1966, Buckley took his conservative message beyond the pages of National Review and directly to the American public. Through Firing Line, for over three decades he influenced the millions of Americans who tuned in weekly for intelligent discussion—of key events, of core principles, and of leading policy makers—between powerful voices on the Left and Right. In partnership with the Hoover Institution Library and Archives, NRI celebrated the 50th anniversary of Firing Line and the Buckley legacy in three cities: Dallas, New York, and Washington, D.C. Our kickoff partnership event was held at Harlan Crow’s new Debate Chamber on the Old Parkland campus located in Dallas. True to Buckley’s legacy, this series of events provided a forum for civilized debate and discussion—lessons that important legacy still teaches us today. We are pleased to continue our partnership with Old Parkland.