National Review Institute

Jim Geraghty

Jim Geraghty is National Review’s senior political correspondent, where he writes the daily “Morning Jolt” newsletter, among other writing duties. He’s also a contributing columnist to The Washington Post and co-host of the daily “Three Martini Lunch” podcast, produced by Radio America, and regular panelist on National Review’s flagship podcast, “The Editors.”

He’s the author of the novel The Weed Agency (a Washington Post bestseller), the nonfiction Heavy Lifting with Cam Edwards and Voting to Kill, as well as the Dangerous Clique series of thriller novels. He is a regular guest on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC.

In August 2023 and March 2024, he traveled to several locations in Ukraine to report on how the Russian invasion was affecting the lives of Ukrainian citizens, including Kyiv, Odesa, Bucha, and Kovel, and also reported from the heavily-Russian-influenced Transnistria region of Moldova. In October 2023, Jim followed up with a reporting trip to Taiwan, covering everything from cross-strait relations with China, the risk of war, the country’s semiconductor industry, and Interpol. As of this writing, he has only had thirty-one Russian missiles fired at him.

In 2019, Jim made presentations about foreign disinformation campaigns on social media and tools to counter propaganda to the Austrian National Defense Academy, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the University of Vienna, and the U.S. Embassy to Austria.

Jim was named CPAC’s “Journalist of the Year” in 2015 and also won the Young Conservatives Coalition’s William F. Buckley award that year.

Jim spent two years in Ankara, Turkey working as a foreign correspondent and studying anti-Americanism, democratization, Islam, Middle East politics, and U.S. diplomacy efforts, appearing in The Philadelphia Inquirer, The New York Sun, and The Washington Examiner. He covered violent protests over the Muhammad cartoons, avian flu outbreaks, and Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Ankara. He also covered national elections in Great Britain and Germany, and has reported from Egypt, Italy, Israel, Spain, and Jordan over the years.

In 2008, Best Life magazine called Jim one of “the 10 most important voices to listen to this election cycle.” His “Kerry Spot” blog was awarded for having the “Best Political Dirt” by in 2004, and the London Times praised his “killer insight” in that election cycle.

He lives in the spider-infested neighborhood nicknamed “Authenticity Woods” in Fairfax County, Virginia.